I love to find ways to have some cross curriculum fun in my classroom. One way easy way that I have found to incorporate some Math fun into Social Studies and ELA is with mystery pictures. One of my favorite ways to use them this time of year is with Social Studies and Black History Month. This is one of my favorite times of year because we connect our Reading, Social Studies, and Math. As we read biographies and children's books one famous black Americans such as Henry "Box" Brown, or Ruby Bridges, we then connect what they have learned with a fun math mystery picture that helps them practice their multiplication facts.
In my classroom my students love solving mystery pictures. I use them in a lot of different ways such as morning work when they first come in, as early finishers work when they are done with a test or quiz, and as math centers as well. I think they especially like them because from time to time I will reward them with a piece of candy if they can solve it correctly and with neat coloring.
I wanted to share my favorite set of mystery pictures that I use for this month plus a fun FREEBIE for this coming week!
#1 A fun Super Bowl FREEBIE : (click on the picture to get this freebie)
#2 Our fun Black History Month set: (click on the picture to check this set out)
I'd love to hear some of the ways you incorporate cross curricular activities in your classroom. Feel free to share them in the comments!
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